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Another Year Watching Her Kids Grow Up - Overland Park Photographer

Honored. Completely honored. That's how I feel when a client returns to me year after year and entrusts me with their memories. Becky and her family are seriously too adorable and it was so great to see her kids again and see how they've changed {and stayed the same} since last fall.

Big sis is just as personable as before but slowly losing her toddler looks and becoming a super sweet young girl. She is a great big sister and loved chatting with me through our time. The sole boy of the crew is still a bit shy but loveable as ever. At newly three, he's learning to catch so we had to practice with those huge hedge apples during their session {did you have any idea what those things were actually called? I sure didn't and had to look it up.) Most changed from last year was the former baby -- now toddler little sis. She loved trying to keep up with her brother and sister but also didn't miss out of any of mom's cuddles that she could get during the in between moments.

Last year their session was at Black Hoof Park at Lake Lenexa so this year Becky wanted to mix it up and try some place new. I had been to Stoll Park many time before to take my dogs to the only dog park in Overland Park but I had no idea the park was so big and had some many fun spots around the lake {which I didn't even know was there either}. The trees hadn't started turning yet {which we were all a little bummed about} but the greenery was a beautiful backdrop for this family's yearly portraits.

I can't wait for next year to see this sweet family again {hopefully} and see what amazing coordinated outfits Becky will put together for her crew - seriously, she's so good, isn't she?!

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