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Project 52 : Week 21 - Negative Space

Mini golf. I have many memories of playing with my dad. Growing up my siblings and I went on a "date" each month with one of our parents and we got to pick anything to do for the night. Most of the time with my dad I remember going bowling or mini golfing. He was a very patient teacher and always encouraging.

On Memorial Day evening Scott and I took both boys to the mini golf course for the first time. We have taken them to the driving range in the past but Bryce has been asking to do the mini golf since he saw it a few months ago. The boys had fun, even if Landon lost interest about half way through and started just "slam dunking" the golf ball in the hole. Bryce did good and definitely understood the concept and tried to make good putts. I am sure we will be visiting here again a lot in the future.

A note about my settings and setup (shot in manual mode).

  1. Since I knew I would not have a lot of room to move around and back up, I used the 35mm lens to give me plenty of space to get close as needed.

  2. First I set the ISO to 100 since it was very sunny with no clouds.

  3. I then set the shutter speed around 1/500 since the kids would be moving around.

  4. I wanted th blur out as much of the background as I could so I chose an f-stop of 2.8. I try not to go below that with this lens because it can get soft.

  5. I then had to adjust the shutter speed to get the exposure correct.

  6. I composed the shot so that Bryce was in the top left corner and the negative space was around the hole. Unfortuntely he didn't make that putt or else the ball would be in the cup. :)

If you would like to join me this year and complete your own Project 52, download my prompt guide and follow along.

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